Monday, February 23, 2009


The advertisements on myspace really piss me off.

"Overweight? Looking to lose those extra pounds? Look like our ridiculously skinny girls bordering on anorexia!" Really, it's horrible. Even the women on television and magazines are usually nowhere near as skinny. I fucking hate how women are portrayed in the media. Ever since I took the psychology of women class I've begun to notice it.

Women are just bodies to the world. They swoon over the dominating male (nothing against men), touching him as he looks unimpressed and unemotional. I saw this calvin klein advertisement in cosmo recently. A woman is laying across two shirtless mens' laps as they look off in opposite directions, ignoring her obvious plea for attention (as all women obviously crave).

On that note, it's getting just as bad for men, especially in ads by abercrombie and fitch. I've seen gigantic ads on building of just the torso, head cut off. Everyone is just a body, an ideal to set for the rest of the world. Men are expected to have a six pack and perfectly shaped muscles and women must be big breasted and skinny as fuck.

Screw the media. This is why I don't watch TV or read magazines.